An Extensive Guide to the Types of Constructional Nails

Being one of the most pivotal and enduring constructional materials, nails are useful for constructing building and wooden houses. A wooden house can alone entail between 20 and 30 thousand of nails. Initially, these tools were made up of bronze. However, the nails were made of copper in the eventual years, which gradually got followed by iron. The earliest nails were built up by the ancient Egyptians dating back to 3400 BC. Now, with fast-paced technologies, nails got introduced in various types. So, which are the most essential constructional nails? Keep reading on.

·         Box nails-If you purchase nails from any of the construction nails suppliers, you’d see that box nails are most common and they enjoy a lot of attention in the construction industry. These do not necessarily cause splits in woods. All thanks go to its size! Given that they are thinly shaped, these nails aren’t appropriate for projects requiring a whole lot of strength. You should always keep the size in mind whenever you purchase this kind of nails. Remember that there are many sizes available, ranging from 1 inch to 3.5 inches!
·         Roofing nails- When discussions are about roofing nails, how can anyone miss out the significance of coil nails used for rooftop purposes? Yes, and that is exactly why you should always pay attention while purchasing these nails from a reliable Coil Nails Supplier. The roofing nails feature large and round heads with heavy shafts which are usually of aluminum. These nails are for the purpose of holding the roofing materials in the place. Roofing nails mostly come in sizes ranging from an inches’ three quarter to its 1/3 quarter.
·         Masonry nails-These types of nails are built for the times when you need driving nails right into the hard surfaces. For example, concrete walls or bricks. There are multiple types of masonry nails that are available in the recent market. And the box might be rectangular in its section or come with shafts which are fluted. They are made like this in order to prevent themselves from bending or breaking. 
Other types of nails include finishing nails, casing nails, brad, cut flooring nails, spiral flooring nails, annular ring nails, duplex nails, round wire nails, oval wire nails, tack, lost head or round nails, panel pin, cut floor brad, square twisted nails, cloud head nails, and more.


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